Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Obama hails Australia's gun laws

Obama hails Australia's gun laws

Time for the
USA to face up to the horrible mess they have allowed their country to get
into. Their President is valiantly leading the way with the international arms
treaty, and it is up to the people to put pressure on the Senate to make sure
it passes through. Simultaneously, they need to start on cleaning up their own
back yard. This is not a case of their right to bear arms under the 2nd
amendment at all, but a case of basic human rights and children's rights as
outlined in international charters on human rights, to which the US is a
signatory.  The human rights issue
overrides the 2nd amendment issue, no question about it.  People, particularly children, have a right
to feel safe in their place of work, schooling, when walking the streets, in
public buildings or in their homes. In the case of Newtown, there can be do
doubt that the mental health authorities and current system plus Nancy Lanza’s
ridiculous and irresponsible attitude to letting Adam carry 3 of her guns at
the time she was extremely worried about his 
mental health, were the primary causes for these fatalities.  However, his father is not exempt from blame.
I have just seen a picture on the Internet of Adam Lanza at one year of age or
possibly younger, playing with a real gun, surrounded by an arsenal of weapons.
His Dad now says he wishes he had never been born. I am sure Adam also wishes
this now, in retrospect, that he had never been born, certainly not into that
family. They, the crazy gun culture of America to which they ascribed and
contributed, combined with the absence of tight gun laws in the USA are
entirely responsible for this incredibly cruel tragedy. There is no
psychological test that can adequately safeguard the community against such a
crazed gunman, and no way of knowing when they will strike, where, or at
whom.  The only answer is to ban the guns
out of the hands of the general populace, especially heavyweight military
hardware, for whom such guns were not designed in the first place.  An ultra right wing agenda, the Preppers
movement, idolization of neo-Nazi Anders Breivik and economist Ron Paul were
among the key elements that also need to be addressed in relation to the the
Newtown shootings. Time for a serious re-education program in the schools and
universities. Ethics, morals and community responsibility need to be addressed
in a big way in regard to combating the damage being done in the homes by some
parents. A time for a national symposium too on mental health, particularly as
regards gene mutation for Fragile X Syndrome accompanied by Autism, and the
current treatments being metred out to patients. There may be a need for a
closer look at how administration of drugs is monitored and by whom.  

Adam Lanza and the Newtown Massacre

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